Welcome to The Wiser Cook – Smarter Cooking Site!

Great to have you stop by today to visit! This site as my other ones will be fun and exciting and you will learn so much. Cooking is enjoyable and a daily function for many including myself. I do not look at it as a chore, hindrance to my existence. Many people just get bored or in a rut with cooking the same thing over and over again. I will not let you do that! I will keep the easy recipes plentiful for you and fun to make and eat.

Smarter cooking is about obtaining the freshest ingredients available to you. Having a stocked pantry and freezer. Yes, you read that correctly-freezer. Many times you will have leftovers and they can be easily placed in the freezer. All of my recipes are originals they have been tweaked, cooked, baked, grilled many times. None will be difficult to prepare. Easy instructions and readily available ingredients

From a novice-beginner cook to an experienced (home) cook we will do it together. I would like to share with you I do not fry foods (they at times can be saute), they are grilled or baked. I am allergic to garlic, you can adapt and use in any recipe you may like to add into. I am itching writing that LOL.

What I love is sharing recipes!

Cheryl “Cheffie Cooks” Wiser.

See YOU!

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